Documentation for version v0.14.0 is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.
Sonobuoy is a diagnostic tool that makes it easier to understand the state of a Kubernetes cluster by running a set of plugins (including Kubernetes conformance tests) in an accessible and non-destructive manner. It is a customizable, extendable, and cluster-agnostic way to generate clear, informative reports about your cluster.
Its selective data dumps of Kubernetes resource objects and cluster nodes allow for the following use cases:
Sonobuoy supports Kubernetes versions 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13.
Access to an up-and-running Kubernetes cluster. If you do not have a cluster, we recommend following the AWS Quickstart for Kubernetes instructions.
An admin kubeconfig
file, and the KUBECONFIG environment variable set.
For some advanced workflows it may be required to have kubectl
installed. See installing via Homebrew (MacOS) or building
the binary (Linux).
Download one of the releases directly from here.
Alternatively, you can install the CLI by running:
go get -u -v
Golang version 1.12 or greater is recommended. Golang can be installed via gimme.
To launch conformance tests (ensuring CNCF conformance) and wait until they are finished run:
sonobuoy run --wait
Note: Using
--mode quick
will significantly shorten the runtime of Sonobuoy. It runs just a single test, helping to quickly validate your Sonobuoy and Kubernetes configuration.
Get the results from the plugins (e.g. e2e test results):
results=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
Inspect results for test failures. This will list the number of tests failed and their names:
sonobuoy e2e $results
You can also extract the entire contents of the file to get much more detailed data about your cluster.
Sonobuoy creates a few resources in order to run and expects to run within its own namespace.
Deleting Sonobuoy entails removing it’s namespace as well as a few cluster scoped resources.
sonobuoy delete --wait
Note: The –wait option ensures the Kubernetes namespace is deleted, avoiding conflicts if another Sonobuoy run is started quickly.
You can check on the status of each of the plugins running with:
sonobuoy status
You can also inspect the logs of all Sonobuoy containers:
sonobuoy logs
The documentation provides further information about:
If you encounter any problems that the documentation does not address, file an issue.
There are some Kubernetes e2e tests that may leak resources. Sonobuoy can
help clean those up as well by deleting all namespaces prefixed with e2e
sonobuoy delete --all
Sonobuoy requires admin permissions which won’t be automatic if you are running via Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. You must first create an admin role for the user under which you run Sonobuoy:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding <your-user-cluster-admin-binding> --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=<>
Thanks for taking the time to join our community and start contributing! We welcome pull requests. Feel free to dig through the issues and jump in.
See the list of releases to find out about feature changes.
To help you get started, see the documentation.