
Sonobuoy Plugins

Table of Contents


In addition to querying API objects, Sonobuoy also supports a plugin model. In this model, worker pods are dispatched into the cluster to collect data from each node, and use an aggregation URL to submit their results back to a waiting aggregation pod. See the diagram below:

sonobuoy plugins diagram

Two main components specify plugin behavior:

  1. Plugin Selection: A section in the main config (config.json) that declares which plugins to use in the Sonobuoy run. This can be generated or passed in with the --config flag to sonobuoy run or sonobuoy gen.

    These configs are defined by the end user.

  2. Plugin Definition: A YAML document that defines metadata and a pod to produce a result.

    This YAML is defined by the plugin developer, and can be taken as a given by the end user.

Plugin Definition

  • /etc/sonobuoy/plugins.d
  • $HOME/.sonobuoy/plugins.d
  • ./plugins.d

This search path can be overridden by the PluginSearchPath value of the Sonobuoy config.

Writing your own plugin

The plugin definition file

  driver: Job        # Job or DaemonSet. Job runs once per run, Daemonset runs on every node per run.
  plugin-name: e2e   # The name of the plugin
  result-type: e2e   # The name of the "result type." Usually the name of the plugin.
spec:                # A kubernetes container spec
  - name: E2E_FOCUS
    value: Pods should be submitted and removed
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  name: e2e
  - mountPath: /tmp/results
    name: results
    readOnly: false
  - mountPath: /var/log/test
    name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
    # directory location on host
    path: /data


A definition file defines a container that runs the tests. This container can be anything you want, but must fulfil a contract.

After your container completes its work, it needs to signal to Sonobuoy that it’s done. This is done by writing out a filename to a results file. The default value is /tmp/results/done, which you can configure with the ResultsDir value in the Sonobuoy config.

Sonobuoy waits for the done file to be present, then transmits the indicated file back to the aggregator. The results file is opaque to Sonobuoy, and is made available in the Sonobuoy results tarball in its original form.

If you need additional mounts besides the default results mount that Sonobuoy always provides, you can define them in the extra-volumes field.

Available Plugins

The default Sonobuoy plugins are available in the examples/plugins.d directory in this repository. Here’s the current list:

Plugin Overview Source Code Repository Env Variables (Config)
systemd_logs Gather the latest system logs from each node, using systemd’s journalctl command. heptio/sonobuoy-plugin-systemd-logs (1) RESULTS_DIR
e2e Run Kubernetes end-to-end tests (e.g. conformance) and gather the results. heptio/kube-conformance E2E_* variables configure the end-to-end tests. See the conformance testing guide for details.
bulkhead Perform CIS Benchmark scans from each node using Aqua Security’s kube-bench tool. bgeesaman/sonobuoy-plugin-bulkhead (1) RESULTS_DIR
Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.