

Steps to cut a release

  1. Bump the version defined in the code. As of the time of writing it is in pkg/buildinfo/version.go.
  2. Commit and open/merge a pull request.
  3. Create an annotated tag: git tag -a v0.x.y -m "Release tag".
  4. Push the tag with git push --tags (note this will push all tags). To push just one tag do something like: git push <remote> refs/tags/v0.13.0 where <remote> refers to (this might be something like upstream or origin). If you are unsure, use the first option.
    • if there is a problem and you need to remove the tag use git tag -d v0.x.y and git push origin refs/tags/v0.x.y (assuming origin refers to
  5. Open a browser tab and go to: and verify go releaser for tag v0.x.y completes successfully
  6. Upon successful completion of build job above, check the releases tab of and verify the artifacts and changelog were published correctly.
  7. Run the Jenkins job for pushing release images and manually run for the tag v0.x.y and confirm images get pushed correctly.
  8. Update the release notes as desired on github.


  1. Run the following command to make sure the image was pushed correctly: docker run -it /sonobuoy version. The output should match the release tag above.
  2. Go the the github release page ( and download the release binaries and make sure the version matches the expected values.
  3. Run a Kind cluster locally and ensure that you can run sonobuoy run --mode quick. If this release corresponds to a new Kubernetes release as well, ensure:
    • you’re testing with the new Kind images
    • you can run sonobuoy images and get a list of test images as expected


  1. Before releasing, ensure all parties are available to resolve any issues that come up. If not, just bump the release.
Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.