Documentation for version v0.16.5 is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.
The main function of Sonobuoy is running plugins; each plugin may run tests or gather data in the cluster.
When you first run Sonobuoy, an aggregator pod is created in the cluster which reads the configuration you’ve chosen and launches each plugin.
The aggregator then waits for each plugin to report results back to it. If the plugin fails to launch correctly or does not report results within the timeout period, an error is recorded.
There are two types of plugins:
Job plugins are plugins which only need to run once. The Sonobuoy aggregator will create a single pod for this type of plugin. The Kubernetes E2E plugin is a job-type plugin.
Daemonset plugins are plugins which need to run on every node, even control-plane nodes. The systemd-logs gatherer is a daemonset-type plugin.
Two plugins are included in the Sonobuoy source code by default:
The upstream Kubernetes repo contains the code for this image. The test image includes all the pieces necessary to run the end-to-end tests (which includes, but is not limited to, the conformance tests). This is the most common plugin run by Sonobuoy and can be tweaked in numerous ways to run the set of tests that you need. See more details about how to use this plugin here.
Gathers the latest system logs from each node, using systemd’s journalctl
command. The image this plugin uses is built from the heptio/sonobuoy-plugin-systemd-logs repo.
By default both the e2e
and systemd-logs
plugin are run. If you set --mode=quick
only the e2e
plugin is run.
Otherwise, you can specify the plugins to run (including custom plugins) by using the --plugin
flag. This can accept the path to a plugin defintion file or the name of a built-in plugin. For example:
# Run just the e2e plugin
$ sonobuoy run --plugin e2e
# Run your custom plugin and the systemd-logs gatherer
$ sonobuoy run --plugin customPlugin.yaml --plugin systemd-logs
Note: All of the CLI options impact the generated YAML. If you would like to edit the YAML directly or see the impact your options have on the YAML, use
sonobuoy gen <your options>
A plugin consists of two parts:
After your container completes its work, it needs to signal to Sonobuoy that
it’s done by writing out the name of the results file into a “done file”. The default
value is /tmp/results/done
, which you can configure with the ResultsDir
in the Sonobuoy config.
The Sonobuoy sidecar waits for the done
file to be present, then transmits the indicated
file back to the aggregator.
Use the sonobuoy gen plugin
command to help generate the YAML for your plugin definition. Once you’ve saved that YAML locally, you can run your plugin via:
sonobuoy run --plugin myPlugin.yaml
For a thorough walkthrough of how to build a custom plugin from scratch, see our blog post and our example plugins.
When results get transmitted back to the aggregator, Sonobuoy inspects the results in order to present results metadata to the end user such as the number of passed/failed tests or the number of files gathered.
This inspection process is informed by the YAML that described the plugin defintion. The
field can be set to either raw
or junit
When set to junit
, Sonobuoy will look for XML files and process them as junit test results.
When set to raw
, Sonobuoy will simply inspect all the files and record the number of files generated.
The data that Sonobuoy gathers during this step makes it possible for a user to do a few different tasks:
sonobuoy status --json
sonobuoy results $tarball
sonobuoy results $tarball --mode=detailed
To see more information about how Sonobuoy can process and present your results, see the results page and our previous blog post.
By default, Sonobuoy will determine how to create and run the resources required for your plugin.
When creating your own plugins however, you may want additional control over how the plugin is run within your cluster.
To enable this, you can customize the PodSpec used by Sonobuoy when creating the plugin’s Pods or DaemonSets by supplying a podSpec
object within your plugin defition.
The podSpec
object corresponds directly to a Kubernetes PodSpec so any fields that are available there can be set by your plugins.
If a podSpec
is provided, Sonobuoy will use it as is, only adding what is necessary for Sonobuoy to run your plugin (such as a Sonobuoy worker container).
Sonobuoy will only ever add to your podSpec
definition, it will not remove or override settings within it.
If you don’t need to provide any additional settings, you can omit this object and Sonobuoy will use the defaults.
We recommend starting with the default podSpec
used by Sonobuoy and then making any necessary modifications.
To view the default podSpec
, you can use the flag --show-default-podspec
with the gen
and gen plugin
When creating a new plugin, you can include the default podSpec
in the generated definition as follows:
sonobuoy gen plugin --show-default-podspec -n my-plugin -i my-plugin:latest
This will produce the following plugin definition:
containers: []
restartPolicy: Never
serviceAccountName: sonobuoy-serviceaccount
- effect: NoSchedule
operator: Exists
- key: CriticalAddonsOnly
operator: Exists
driver: Job
plugin-name: my-plugin
result-type: my-plugin
- ./
image: my-plugin:latest
name: plugin
resources: {}
- mountPath: /tmp/results
name: results
You are then free to make modifications to the podSpec
object as necessary.
If you already have an existing plugin which you would like to customize, you can take the default podSpec
, add it to your plugin definition and use it as the basis for customization.
NOTE: The default
differs for Job and DaemonSet plugins. To be sure you are using the appropriate defaults as your starting point, be sure to provide the--type
flag when usingsonobuoy gen plugin
You can also modify the podSpec
from within a Sonobuoy manifest.
By providing the flag --show-default-podspec
to sonobuoy gen
, the default podSpec
for each plugin will be included within the sonobuoy-plugins-cm
ConfigMap in the manifest.
NOTE: Modifications to the
are only persisted within that generated manifest. If you generate a new manifest by runningsonobuoy gen
again, you will need to reapply any changes made. We recommend adding your desired customizations to the plugin definition itself.
To help you get started, see the documentation.